Enrichment Studies is now part of Music in Our Homeschool

Enrichment Studies is now a part of Music in Our Homeschool!

All Enrichment Studies materials and resources are now available here: Learn.MusicinOurHomeschool.com

If you own Enrichment Studies resources you’d like to access, please click here to create a free account and then email me (see contact form below) so I can add the resources for you.

Printed Fine Art Pages:

Click here to view and order.

(Printed Fine Art Pages don’t go on sale.)

Printed Fine Art Pages

Daily Art:

Daily Art: Impressionism

Fine Art Pages (pdf versions):

Click here to see them all (under Digital Downloads).

Or, order the ENTIRE set at an incredible deal here.

Marianne North Fine Art Pages

Sound Bites: Baroque and Classical

Sound Bites:

Music Appreciation in short doses to do daily.

Sing a Song of America


When will I have access to my Enrichment Studies account?

Everything is now uploaded to Learn.MusicinOurHomeschool.com. Please create a free account there now so I can quickly add them for you! You’ll need to email me (see contact form below) so I’ll know your account is ready. Thanks!

Can I get access to Sound Bites or Daily Art now since the email system Erica was using for it has closed its doors and no longer works?

Sound Bites and Daily Art will now be a part of online courses. Also, you’ll have lifetime access to those.

Can I get access to Fine Art Pages pdfs that I purchased in the past?

Everything will added to your new account at Learn.MusicinOurHomeschool.com. Please create a free account there now so I can quickly add them for you! If you don’t see them, email me (see contact form below).

I’m a lifetime Whole Shebang member of Enrichment Studies. Will I still have access to everything?

Yes! Everything should already be in your Music in Our Homeschool account. If you don’t see it, please create a free account there and then email me (see contact form below).

Are Fine Art Pages still available in Printed form that will be sent to my house?

Yes! Order those here.

Still have a question?