Welcome to Music in Our Homeschool!

Hey there! I’m Gena and my mission is to help you confidently include music education in your homeschool!

Gena Mayo fall 2023


I was seriously afraid of homeschooling my 8 kids. What if I make the choose the wrong curriculum? What if I mess them up? But I was determined to give it a go, thinking it was absolutely the best thing for them, and me. So I recruited veteran homeschoolers to “help” me.

Those homeschoolers taught, encouraged, mentored, and inspired me. I’ve now homeschooled for almost 20 years, graduated four kids (including 2 from college), so I’d say my plan worked out pretty well!

But this isn’t a story about me and my homeschooling success. This is actually a story about you and your homeschooling success.

You see, I started out as a music teacher and even taught in the public school system for 5 years before having kids. So, that’s the special angle I’m coming from.

When I started homeschooling, I was determined to include music education in my homeschool. But, then I realized how hard that could be — even for me,a music teacher!

The way I made it happen: I found ways that actually work for homeschoolers.

After years of trying different things, listening to other homeschoolers and their needs and struggles, and pulling together a plan that worked for me, it was time to share it with the world.
If I really wanted my kids to have a quality music education and you really want your kids to have a quality music education, it truly is possible to do it! I took a deep breath and started the website Music in Our Homeschool to share the plan with other homeschoolers!
I slowly created course after course for different ages and different focuses and started to hear how well it was working for others, not just for me! I did it!! And so could EVERY homeschooler! Music education in every homeschool and I could help be the teacher, encourager, mentor, and inspirer that I needed when I first started homeschooling.
Overcome fear of homeschooling ✓
Bring and easy and quality music education to the homeschooling masses ✓
As years went by I started to hear from other homeschoolers what their specific needs and desires were.
Could I provide a singing course? What about music theory? Why is a saxophone a woodwind instrument and not a brass instrument?? How do I keep my kids interested in music education when they are so drawn to video games? is there a beginner guitar course available? And, what about a Fine Arts credit on the homeschool transcript??
All they wanted was someone to show them the way. To teach them the things that they didn’t even know they needed to know. Well, I had been there, and I could be that person!
That’s why Music in Our Homeschool exists. I know how tough getting started homeschooling can be. You see all these people on Instagram or TikTok making it look easy,but then you try to start and it’s anything but.
Doubts overwhelm you, fears almost paralyze you, others (including your kids) are fighting you.
I wanted to create a space that actually teaches you the skills you need to confidently include music education and easily include it in your homeschool every week.
After countless years of working with homeschoolers, I’ve created a system that works! And, I’m thrilled to share everything I’ve learned from my 19 years of homeschooling my own 8 kids, as well as the things I wished I knew starting out so that you can learn faster and with total confidence and success!

Trying to Homeschool at the beginning can feel like learning a foreign language.

So coming from someone who was TERRIFIED of possibly messing up my kids, you can do this. We all start somewhere and I want to help you experience the amazingness that is the homeschool life.
There is nothing better than the feeling of accomplishment from seeing your children grow in word and deed. Well, there’s one thing…That feeling when someone asks where your kids go to school and you get to respond “Oh, I homeschool them!” and they say, “Wow, you’re doing a great job with them!”jn
You’ve got this. I’m here to help. I can’t wait to see all the incredible things you do in your homeschool.
Check out the resources below to get started including music education in your homeschool today!

Who am I?

My name is Gena Mayo, and I’m a homeschool mom. My 8 children are ages 23 down to 12, and I’ve homeschooled from the beginning.

I’m also a music teacher. I went to Baylor University in Waco, Texas and graduated with a Bachelor of Music Education degree in 1995. Then, I taught junior high choir and elementary general music for 5 years at a couple of public schools in Texas and received my Masters in Music degree in vocal pedagogy (teaching voice lessons).

Get 25 FREE online music lessons here: 

Sampler Music Appreciation Mini-Course

Get the Sampler Music Appreciation Course for free!

I’m also certified by Musikgarten to teach early childhood music and movement classes.

I have taught music continually since 1995 in various forms: choir; show choir; Musikgarten classes for babies, toddlers, and preschoolers; musical theater classes; private and semi-private voice lessons; music appreciation and music history classes at our homeschool co-op; and vocal directing full-length musicals.

I have encouraged and supported my children in their many musical endeavors: private lessons in piano, voice, violin, clarinet, percussion, saxophone, and guitar; choir; band; music appreciation and recorder class at homeschool co-op; competitions and recitals; musicals through Christian Youth Theater; auditioned vocal ensemble; and more!

I love music, and I want to share my passion with others!

Music Lessons for Holidays & Special Days online course for kids from Learn.MusicinOurHomeschool.com

(Kids doing a lesson from the Music for Holidays & Special Days online course.)

This website is here to serve you, the homeschool mom or music teacher. Please let me know what questions you have or what I can do to meet a need.

(And, I’d love to hear from you if you’re a potential sponsor, contributor, or have a music freebie you’d like to share.)

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