15-Minute Music Lessons

Transform Your Homeschool Why the Revolutionary Music Lesson Calendar of the Month is Your Secret to an Unmatched Quality Music Education

Transform Your Homeschool: Why the Revolutionary Music Lesson Calendar of the Month is Your Secret to an Unmatched Quality Music Education (E27)

Today I’d like to talk about a simple way to transform your homeschool. A few years ago I created an incredible and revolutionary resource that’s a game-changer for homeschoolers: It’s called the Music Lesson Calendar of the Month, and it’s your secret to an unmatched quality music education. If you’ve been looking for an easy…

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15-Minute Music Lessons self-paced online music course

When I started the Music in Our Homeschool website in November of 2015, my dream was to provide online music courses to help all homeschoolers include music in their homeschool. I know music education is intimidating for many, and I have some great ideas to help. Today, that dream has become a reality! Learn.MusicinOurHomeschool officially…