nursery rhymes

Top Resources for Learning Folk Songs in Your Homeschool or Classroom. Includes books about music, music websites, song lists, CD and other audio ideas

Top Resources for Learning Folk Songs in Your Homeschool or Classroom

As I was researching to write my newest online course called A Folk Song a Week, I discovered some wonderful resources for learning Folk Songs in your homeschool or classroom. Have fun singing! A Folk Song a Week online course A Folk Song a Week online course is the easiest way ever to add folk songs…

15-Minute Music Lesson on Nursery Rhymes, Use a 100-page activity pack with 10 videos, from Music in Our Homeschool

15-Minute Music Lesson on Nursery Rhymes

15-Minute Music Lesson on Nursery Rhymes Disclosure: I get commissions for purchases made through affiliate links in this post. Today’s lesson is meant to be used in conjunction with Teaching With Nursery Rhymes from Homeschooling Preschool. I am using this fun 100-page activity pack with my kindergarten student this year. It’s perfect for ages 2-6. And…