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How to Add Music to Your Homeschool Co-op

How to Add Music to a Homeschool Co-op. Use these ideas for including music in your homeschool co-op. Don't neglect music education in your homeschool! #musicinourhomeschool #homeschoolcoop #musiceducation #musiclessonsforkids #homeschoolmusic

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How to Add Music to Your Homeschool Co-op

Are you part of a homeschool co-op? Would you like to add some music to your students’ experiences there? I’m happy to share some ideas today to help you add music to your homeschool co-op!

First, you can Teach an Instrument. Find a teacher in your area who loves to teach music to groups. Some options include recorder, guitar, piano, and choir. A book that is helpful for teaching recorder is Teach Your Family to Play the Soprano Recorder. She even includes special pricing for groups.

A second option is to have an Early Childhood Music and Movement Class (think Kindermusik or Musikgarten). I’ve been teaching these for the nursery and preschool classes at our co-ops for the past 4 years. Not only is it fun for young kids to play rhythm instruments, sing, and dance, it helps to grow their brains’ neural pathways in a way only music can.

Music and Movement at Homeschool Co-op Music and Movement at Homeschool Co-op

Third, you can teach Music Appreciation or Music History. Here are just 3 of the many options out there that can help a mom who isn’t even musical to lead a class of this sort:

Finally, have a Music Theory class. This can be an easier class to teach kids the beginnings of reading music (playing games is a wonderful way to do it!)

Or you can teach a high school level music theory class.


Do you have other suggestions for teaching music at a homeschool co-op? Please share in the comments!

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  1. Great post! Music and music appreciation are an important part of learning. These are some great ideas on How to Add Music To Your Homeschool. I am bookmarking it to share with my friends.

  2. I have done an “Introduction to the Orchestra” course a couple of times in our Co-Op. Over 6 weeks, we looked at the different sections of the orchestra, how the instruments made their sounds, which were included in each family and where they sit in the orchestra. We had a go at making or playing an instrument for each family and, of course, we listened to music featuring each instrument or family. Seemed to go down well with the children!

    The outline was:
    Week 1 Orchestra Overview
    Week 2 String Section
    Week 3 Wind Section
    Week 4 Brass Section
    Week 5 Percussion Section
    Week 6 The Conductor

  3. "State Songs of the 50 U.S. States" online course from Music in Our Homeschool is the perfect way to combine geography and music education in your homeschool, classroom, or homeschool co-op. Click through to see a free preview lesson. #musiccourse #elementarymusic #musiceducation #musiclessonsforkids #musicinourhomeschool

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