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Enter to Win Both Volumes of 20th Century Music Appreciation Curriculum!

Win both Volumes of 20th Century Music Appreciation Curriculum

Very soon I’ll be releasing the next volume in my Music Appreciation series. It’s called 25 Lessons in 20th Century European and South American Music Appreciation. Like its predecessor (21 Lessons in 20th Century American Music Appreciation), it has everything you need right in the downloadable file. You simply read the lessons with your kids (or they read them themselves) and watch the video links of the music!

Keep reading for a chance to win both volumes of 20th Century Music Appreciation Curriculum!

Here are some of the composers who are included in 25 Lessons in 20th Century European and South American Music Appreciation:

  • Debussy
  • Ravel
  • Mahler
  • Stravinsky
  • Rachmaninoff
  • Puccini
  • Schoenberg
  • Bartok
  • Britten
  • The Beatles
  • Plus 15 more!

The curriculum is appropriate for K-12 and can be used for high school credit. I used it in a homeschool co-op, but it can be used for a family teaching time at home, or individually. You can spend as little as 20 minutes per lesson, or spread out the study even longer!

There are notebooking pages included (more in the new volume), as well as a bibliography for further study. You’ll find instructions and various ways to use the curriculum. It’s so flexible, you can make it work for your family!

The new volume 25 Lessons in 20th Century European and South American Music Appreciation will be released this summer. And since I’ll be teaching early music appreciation (Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, and Classical) in our homeschool co-op next year, you can be looking for those new volumes to be released in 2017.

See a video tour of 21 Lessons in 20th Century American Music Appreciation here:

Purchase 21 Lessons in 20th Century American Music Appreciation here.

Download a 5 Lesson Sample here.

Enter to win both Music Appreciation volumes ($50 value) on the Rafflecopter app below. The winner will be chosen Sunday May 15, 2016. The winner will have 24 hours to respond to my email.

One of the entries asks you which cover for the new volume you like best.

Red with Record Player:
25 Lessons Music Appreciation 1

Or White With Trumpet:

25 Lessons Music Appreciation 2

(Giveaway is complete.)

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  1. My son likes the white cover with the trumpet the best. He says he like the sound the horns make. He is autistic but loves to go to the symphony with me when they host young peoples concerts. 🙂 Thank you for hosting this great offer.

  2. I like the red and coloring of the recorder, but like the picture of the trumpet. And I am not trying to please both sides! 🙂

  3. I like the red with the record player (but I like the picture of the trumpet, as others have commented)!

  4. I like the white one, it’s very colorful and you can almost hear the music coming out of the trumpet!

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