
15-Minute Music Lesson Freebie on Giacomo Puccini, Italian Opera Composer with free printable pack from Music in Our Homeschool

15-Minute Music Lesson Freebie on Giacomo Puccini with Free Printable Pack

Welcome to another Famous Composer music lesson. Today we have a 15-Minute Music Lesson Freebie on Giacomo Puccini. It’s an excerpt from the online course 20th Century Music Appreciation Course for High School. Find the full lesson, plus 35 others, there! Be sure to download the accompanying free printable pack at the end of this lesson!…

15-Minute Music Lesson on Aaron Copland, with free printable pack, from Music in Our Homeschool

15-Minute Music Lesson on Aaron Copland with Free Printable Pack

Today’s 15-Minute Music Lesson on Aaron Copland is an excerpt from the 20th Century Music Appreciation online course and is appropriate for all ages, K-12th! Head over to see the full lesson, as well as 35 other lessons of great composers and styles of the 20th Century. Music Lesson on Aaron Copland Aaron Copland (1900-1990) is one of…