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Free Online Piano Lessons from Hoffman Academy

Hoffman Academy online piano lessons ~ Music In Our Homeschool #pianolessons #hoffmanacademy #musicinourhomeschool #homeschoolmusic

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Free Online Piano Lessons from Hoffman Academy

[Today’s article was written by Joseph Hoffman and is part of the 31 Days of Music in Our Homeschool Series.]

Hoffman Academy online piano lessons ~ Music In Our Homeschool #pianolessons #hoffmanacademy #musicinourhomeschool #homeschoolmusic

When I started teaching piano ten years ago, I searched for a piano method that was fun, that appealed to a child’s natural curiosity and playful spirit, and that also provided a complete, rigorous music education. None of the piano methods out there had all that I was looking for, so I created the Hoffman Method. A few years later I opened Hoffman Academy in Portland, Oregon, and since that time I’ve been delighted to see hundreds of children blossoming as young musicians using the program I designed.

Free Lessons?

After creating my method and opening the academy, I thought I was done. But then I kept on hearing parents say, “I wish I could afford to take lessons from you or from your academy.” That was crushing to me. I teach piano because I love it, not because I’m trying to make a lot of money. To hear that people were being priced out was heartbreaking and frustrating.

In struggling over what to do about this problem, my wife Kelly and I hit on the idea to provide my piano lessons online. After weighing several options for a business model, we decided to make every video lesson free, so that there would be no barrier to any child in the world who wanted to learn to play the piano. We only charge for the lesson materials (audio tracks, sheet music, and music theory worksheets) which I created to supplement and reinforce the video lessons. These materials are completely optional, as everything you need to learn is included in the videos.


**Try out some free piano lessons from Hoffman Academy here.

Hoffman Academy Video Lessons

I never dreamed that within five years of posting my first lesson, my video lessons would have over four million views, and be averaging 2000 hits per day. Children, teens, and adults all over the world are learning with Hoffman Academy video lessons, and loving it!

Hoffman Academy online piano lessons ~ Music In Our Homeschool #pianolessons #hoffmanacademy #musicinourhomeschool #homeschoolmusic

Hoffman Academy was designed for parents who want piano lessons for their children, but have been daunted by the time and money that private lessons demand. With Hoffman Academy video lessons, you have access to me, your piano teacher, 24/7. Piano lesson time can be any time that works for your family. And the lessons themselves are free!

If you choose to use the optional lesson materials, you only pay a small fraction of the cost of traditional music lessons, less than $1 per lesson.

Use coupon code LEARN to save 10%!

Helping Parents

I’m also committed to helping parents with any level of musical background help their children have fun and succeed at the piano, so I’ve created a blog with hundreds of articles that provide encouragement and tips. Whether you are an advanced musician or whether you have zero musical experience, you can find the support you need to make piano learning a joyful success.

If you want music and piano to be a part of your child’s education, I hope you’ll give Hoffman Academy a try.


Also, head over to the Music in Our Homeschool Website Launch Giveaway to enter a giveaway from Hoffman Academy!

Hoffman Academy online piano lessons ~ Music In Our Homeschool #pianolessons #hoffmanacademy #musicinourhomeschool #homeschoolmusic

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