
Music Appreciation of the Romantic Era self-paced online course, great for High School credit in Fine Arts, 36 lessons, can be used for grades K-12, Learn.MusicinOurHomeschool.com

The Most Fun and Easy Way to Learn Music Appreciation of the Romantic Era

I have so enjoyed writing my newest course, Music Appreciation of the Romantic Era, which launches today!  As I was researching and writing the course, it was so fascinating to read about all these composers and their lives. I included some very interesting information. No, music history isn’t dry! Did you know that composer Johannes Brahms loved composer Clara…

7-Course Sale from Learn.MusicinOurHomeschool.com $75

Learn.MusicinOurHomeschool Bundle of 7 Courses Sale!

I have never had such an awesome sale on the courses at Learn.MusicinOurHomeschool.com! You can get every course currently there for only $75. But, hurry, this is only available for the first 50 purchasers. With the purchase of the 7-Course Bundle for $75 ($247 value), you’ll receive: 15-Minute Music Lessons for Elementary ($20) Intro to…

Intro to Musicals for Elementary Students self-paced online course. Use coupon code 5OFF to get $5 until 11/14

Intro to Musicals for Elementary Students online course

My new course Intro to Musicals for Elementary Students is now up and ready for you! Intro to Musicals for Elementary Students You get an introductory lesson plus ten lessons on ten different musicals! Read about the story and background, watch video clips, work on one printable per lesson, take an online quiz, and explore…