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Any Parent Can Teach Piano At Home!

Any Parent Can Teach Piano at Home~ see how this mom teaches her kids piano, what curriculum to use, and more piano teaching tips! #musicinourhomeschool #homeschoolmusic #pianolessons #pianolessonsathome

[Today’s article “Any Parent Can Teach Piano At Home!” is a guest post by Nikki Truesdell.]

If you had asked me 15 years ago when I began homeschooling if I would also teach my children to play piano, I would have said definitely not! After all, I’m teaching them everything else, aren’t I? That’s what piano teachers are for!

But 5 children later, and a couple of years of long afternoons juggling kids and activities in the car parked outside the piano teacher’s home, I had to re-think piano lessons. We live in the country, so drive time and teacher location are also considerations.

Now here we are, 15 years into homeschooling, and piano is one of our regular subjects. Just so you know, I did take piano lessons as a young girl, but only sporadically and only 2-3 years at most. So I am not an expert, but I had enough knowledge to get started.

So, with the help of basic piano books and a few great websites, I took the plunge.

Any Parent Can Teach Piano at Home

**Try out some free piano lessons from Hoffman Academy here.

Here’s what I have learned about teaching piano at home:

  • ALL of my kids were receptive to it, very unlike the typical attitude toward piano lessons and required practice.
  • A daily lesson (even if only 5 minutes) by mom greatly speeds up progress! Instead of one lesson per week, they learn a little something new every day.
  • I never have to remind them to practice, because of the daily lessons and the fact that they don’t see this as an “assignment.” (In fact, I sometimes long for a “piano-free” hour in my house!)


For my young beginning children, these are my favorite home piano teaching resources:

  • Hoffman Academy – free video lessons online. Perfect for introducing kids to the world of piano!
  • Piano Pronto books – These are basic, straightforward lessons that most parents can teach from, and get the children playing simple songs very quickly. I start with Prelude for the beginning student.
  • Simple Apps on the iPad, including The Most Addicting Sheep Game (teaches rhythm) and  Flashnote Derby (helps with note-naming).

Printable Games to Teach Piano at Home

There are lots of fun printable games as well as online games available for the younger crowd. You can also find flashcards and printable theory lesson worksheets. Follow Gena’s Music in Our Homeschool store has lots of great options!


 Older/Advanced Students:

For a parent with basic music knowledge, young children are easy to teach. But what about the older or advanced student? There came a point where my teenage daughter said, “If you’ll get me a lesson book in the next level I can teach myself.” Um, okay!

This is the essence of homeschooling right here. Teaching kids to be eager learners and able to learn whatever they desire.

There are occasions when my daughter encounters a new concept that she doesn’t understand. I have found a couple of helpful resources for these times:

Music in Our Homeschool Plus music and fine arts membership for preschool thru high school

The older kids have reached the point where they can play from sheet music, look up new songs to play, and hunt down the info they need to learn what a mark on the music means.

Some of my children will want to progress further than I can teach. At that point, we will definitely hire a piano teacher. But for now, the early years of piano are fun and easy to do in the comfort of our home, and on our family’s schedule. And as with all subject areas in homeschooling, my favorite part is that I get to share the learning experiences with my children!

Piano for Preschoolers

KinderBach beginning piano and music theory for preschoolers is back! Learn all about this innovative and effective program that you can do in the comfort of your own home here.

KinderBach Level 1 beginning piano and music theory for preschoolers

Other Instruments You Can Teach Your Kids At Home!

Piano isn’t the only instrument you can teach your kids at home. How about Recorder? Get help from Mr. Jerry with the online course Recorder Time with Mr. Jerry.

Recorder Time with Mr. Jerry beginning recorder lessons for kids

Or, singing, too! Gena has a series called Singing Made Easy that takes you through 5 levels of singing lessons — for the whole family!

Singing Made Easy beginning singing course

And, the newest instrument course is Guitar Time with Ben, beginning guitar lessons for ages 10 and up.

Guitar Time with Ben beginning acoustic guitar lessons course

Related Posts about Teaching Piano at Home:


nikki-truesdell     Nicki Truesdell is a 2nd-generation homeschooler and mother to 5. She loves books, freedom, history and quilts, and blogs about all of these at She believes that homeschooling can be relaxed and that history is fun, and both can be done with minimal cost or stress, no matter your family’s circumstances. You can also find her on  Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest.

Join the Music in Our Homeschool Plus music and fine arts membership experience for preschool through high school!

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  1. This is homeschooling confidence at its best: “Give me a book and I’ll teach myself.” Love it. Thanks for these great ideas, too.

    1. Seven is a great age. That’s when I started. Since piano keys can’t be made smaller, the child’s hands have to be large enough to be able to play. If you’d like them to start an instrument younger than that, violin is an option since violins can be made quite small and the child keeps getting a larger one as they grow. 🙂

      1. I’ve taught piano professionally for over 30 years. I admire your intentions with your kids and am glad they’ve had a positive experience. With that said, there is MUCH more to playing the piano than knowing what finger goes on what key. I hope your children will be given the benefit of actual instruction where they can learn techniques and skills that are imperative to a lifetime of enjoyable playing, and avoidance of injury.

        Young children (younger than 7) are PRIME for learning the piano!!! It is not true that their hand size will limit their ability to learn to play. There are curriculums developed for young learners that take into account where a child’s hand size, gross and fine motor development, and potential reading abilities are at any given moment. We know that a young child’s brain is a sponge for learning at this age. Please do not delay starting a young child on the piano!!!

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