Search Results for: james and the giant peach

All the 15-Minute Music Lesson Freebies in One Place!

15-Minute Music Lessons: For Holidays, Special Events, or Special Days: (You can see more holiday music lessons here.) Free 15-Minute Music Lesson for Martin Luther King Jr. Day Free 15-Minute Music Lesson for Australia Day Free 15-Minute Music Lesson for Valentine’s Day Free 15-Minute Music Lesson for President’s Day Free 15-Minute Music Lesson for St….

Sampler Music Appreciation Mini-Course free for a limited time

You CAN do Music in Your Homeschool with the Sampler Music Appreciation Mini-Course

Believe me, I know how hard it is for a homeschool mom to fit everything in. There is never enough time in the day! And, yes, math and reading and history and science come first. But, you don’t have to neglect music. You CAN do Music in Your Homeschool with the Sampler Music Appreciation Mini-Course.  …

Music Education Resource Recommendations

Music Education Resource Recommendations

If you are trying to find the best Music Education Resource Recommendations–the best curriculum for your home, homeschool co-op, or classroom–take a look at the following reviews and links. Disclosure: I get commissions for purchases made through affiliate links in this post. Music Appreciation Curricula: American Music for Elementary World Music for Elementary Learn Classical Music with…