
15-Minute Music Lesson of Music Inspired by Horses _ Music in Nature Series

15-Minute Music Lesson of Music Inspired by Horses ~ Music in Nature Series

Welcome to another free lesson from the Music in Nature Series. In May 2021 my kids participated an awesome No Sweat Nature Study Live lesson from Our Journey Westward: all about horses! I thought it would be fun to create a music lesson of music inspired by horses for them to do on the same…

The Homeschool Garden Morning Time giveaway

The Homeschool Garden Music Resources Review

Today I’m sharing about a wonderful Charlotte Mason inspired membership for homeschoolers called The Homeschool Garden. We’ll talk about everything it includes, but especially The Homeschool Garden music resources! Disclosure: I received a membership to The Homeschool Garden so I could effectively and honestly share about it here. I also get commissions for purchases made…

The Top 15 Music Options from SchoolhouseTeachers. com

The Top 15 Music Options from SchoolhouseTeachers. com

I’ve spent the past week researching the SchoolhouseTeachers. com membership site. This amazing resource has been around for 10 years and is specifically focused on helping homeschoolers. So they perfectly understand our needs and desires. If you’re looking for music lessons in music theory, music history, or music appreciation or lessons in violin, guitar, recorder,…

"The Friendly Music Staff" is a song to teach your students about the lines and space names of the notes of the treble and bass clef staves.

“The Friendly Music Staff” ~ A Song to Teach Your Students about the Music Staff

“The Friendly Music Staff” is a song to teach your students about the music staff! Learning the note names of the treble clef and bass clef is a basis for basic music theory and beginning music reading. And, what better way to learn them with a song! “The Friendly Music Staff” is a song to…