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Thanksgiving Music Lesson with Thanksgiving Printable Set

What do you think of when you think of Thanksgiving? Food? Family? Football? Music probably isn’t on your list, and yet, there is some wonderful music that can help you get in the spirit of Thanksgiving. Enjoy today’s 15-Minute Thanksgiving Music Lesson, great for all ages!

15-Minute Music Lesson Freebie for Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Music Lesson

Disclosure: I get commissions for purchases made through affiliate links in this post.

“Over the River and Through the Wood”

The number one children’s song that goes with Thanksgiving is “Over the River and Through the Wood.” Do you visit your grandparents’ house for Thanksgiving? Then, you’ll understand the joy of this timeless poem that was written by Lydia Maria Child in 1844. The original title was “The New-England Boy’s Song about Thanksgiving Day.” The composer of the tune that we sing today with the song is unknown.

There are many fun books that you might want to check out from the library that use the poem as a story with fun illustrations.

Now, listen to the song here. As you listen, draw a picture of something from the song that inspires you. Is it traveling to see Grandmother on the sleigh through the woods? The cold, snowy weather? Or the pumpkin pie?

The Full Online Course Music for Holidays and Special Days is now available.

36 Lessons to use throughout the year!

Music Lessons for Holidays & Special Days online course for kids from


There were always two hymns we would sing for Thanksgiving at my church growing up. Have you heard these before?

“Come, Ye Thankful People Come” and “We Gather Together”

Listen to these on the next two videos, and notice the difference in style between the two hymn performances. One is with a huge choir and organ. The second is an a cappella men’s group with no instrumental accompaniment. Which do you like better?

Thanksgiving Song

I love the beautiful pictures seen in this next video “Thanksgiving Song” by Mary Chapin Carpenter. As you listen try to list the things she mentions that we should be thankful for.

Count Your Blessings

And, finally, one more song which is probably not thought of as a typical Thanksgiving song. But it’s a song that encourages us to count our blessings, something that we should do every day and not just on Thanksgiving Day. Listen to “Count Your Blessings” from the musical by Irving Berlin called White Christmas. As you listen, be sure to count your blessings!

(Video clip ends with a kiss if you want to end it early.)

Download a free Gratitude Page to use with this 15-Minute Thanksgiving Music Lesson Freebie on Thanksgiving:


15-Minute Music Lesson Freebie for Thanksgiving

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Fun and quick music lessons for the fall season of September through November (taken from the full course Music Lessons for Holidays & Special Days)

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If you enjoyed today’s 15-Minute Music Lesson for Thanksgiving, you’ll LOVE the 15-Minute Music Lessons online course

15-Minute Music Lessons self-paced online course for elementary students. 15 separate lessons with printables at

Free 15-Minute Music Lesson for Thanksgiving

Other Resources for Thanksgiving:

Get Four Turkey Songs to use with your Thanksgiving Music Lesson

Our friends from Donna & Andy have four Turkey songs for only $2!

  • Includes Print Music, Audio Tracks, and Activities:
  • Five Fine Turkeys
  • What the Turkey Said
  • Driver! Driver!
  • I’m a Little Turkey

Get them here.

Get four turkey songs, perfect for Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving Printable Set

The Thanksgiving Printable Set: Big Pack of Thanksgiving Activity and Coloring Sheets is perfect for elementary students to use around Thanksgiving!

It contains 28 pages!

Find these pages in the Thanksgiving Printable Set:

  • Color the picture with verse 1 Thess. 5:18
  • Count the pumpkins
  • Mark an “X” on the foods you won’t serve for Thanksgiving dinner
  • Memorize the verse 1 Thess. 5:18 (color the page)
  • Color the words “Thank You” or fill in with play-dough
  • Cut out the picture to create a jigsaw puzzle
  • Who are you thankful for? Put their names on the leaves.
  • Draw a picture of you celebrating Thanksgiving.
  • Trace the paths
  • Create smaller words from the larger word THANKSGIVING
  • “I Spy” How many of each do you spy.
  • Draw a picture of your Thanksgiving meal.
  • “Thank you” in other languages
  • Label the parts of the turkey, Pilgrim girl’s clothes, and Pilgrim boy’s clothes
  • Answers for the 3 above sheets
  • Activity cube: cut out, fold, tape together. Then roll it and act out what it says.
  • 12 Name Cards for your Thanksgiving table
  • 4 Placemats for your Thanksgiving table
  • 6 Napkin rings for your Thanksgiving table



Check out the free sample here to see some of the pages in the set.


Included in the Thanksgiving Printable Set:

Swaying Like the Mayflower (Activity Cube)

Rolling Like a Pumpkin (Activity Cube)

Activity Cube with 6 Actions:

Label the Parts Activity:

Table Settings:



Thanksgiving Freebies, Resources, and Activities

More Thanksgiving-themed Tips and Resources

The Praise His Name! Thanksgiving Scripture Pack and these tips from In All You Do will encourage the entire family to be more grateful, something we all need!

Want to learn more about Thanksgiving in your homeschool this year? Check out this pack to get inspired with other fun (and easy!) ways to learn about the holiday over at Blessed Homeschool.

I’m all about keeping learning alive while still having tons of fun during the month of November, from Hess UnAcademy.

November is the perfect time to learn about the History Behind our Thanksgiving Traditions from Homeschool On the Range.

Would you like some help teaching your kids how to use a gratitude journal, a post from Homeschooling 4 Him.

Learn about five Thanksgiving Traditions from Geez, Gwen! 

Here’s a Free Native American Unit Study from With the Huddlestons.

I love this no-stress, low-prep Thanksgiving week mini unit study from Whole Child Homeschool

Julie Naturally talks about how we can regain some perspective and has a free gratitude journal!

Looking for some homeschool activities and unit studies for the season? Here are some from Homeschool with Moxie.

Love a good Thanksgiving-themed morning basket? This post from Heart and Soul Homeschooling shows you what to include.

Thankfulness morning time plans from Everyday Graces Homeschool will make your homeschool easier and more fun!

The WOLFe Pack has some free Thanksgiving printable games and activities to help keep the kids entertained.

Inside Our Normal helps you build a toolkit to make the holiday a success for your family.

Learn how to keep your sanity and enjoy your holidays over at Some Call It Destiny.

What a fun Spot The Difference Thanksgiving Day-themed packet from The Homeschool Cafe!

Teach your little ones about the Thanksgiving story with the Thanksgiving-themed resources from Simple Living Mama.

Thanksgiving Freebies, Resources, and Activities

Join the Music in Our Homeschool Plus music and fine arts membership experience for preschool through high school!

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Music Lessons for Holidays and Special Days self-paced online course for elementary students. Learn about some great music associated with holidays throughout the year, plus fun days such as Star Wars Day, Dr. Seuss Day, and Talk Like a Pirate Day!