music appreciation

Music Appreciation Middle Ages Through Classical Era for high school, self-paced online course from Music in Our Homeschool

All about “Music Appreciation: Middle Ages Thru Classical Era” high school online course

The Music Appreciation: Middle Ages Thru Classical Era is a high school online course that contains 18 lessons about the music, genres, styles, and composers of Western Music from 450-1800. Disclosure: I get commissions for purchases made through affiliate links in this post. You’ll learn about Gregorian Chant, the beginnings of musical notation, organum, Medieval church…

The Charlotte Mason Inspired Way to Get a Homeschool High School Fine Arts Credit

The Charlotte Mason Inspired Way to Get a Homeschool High School Fine Arts Credit

Today we’ll be talking about the Charlotte Mason Inspired Way to Get a Homeschool High School Fine Arts Credit. I’ll be explaining what a fine arts credit is, why every student should get a fine arts credit regardless of what they’re planning to do after high school graduation, and how to do it the Charlotte…

"American Music for Elementary" is a click-and-go, easy-to-use online course for elementary students. Use the course in your homeschool, homeschool co-op, school classroom, music classroom, and more! Engaging, includes videos, notebooking pages, online quizzes, and 36 lessons!

Why You’ll Love the “American Music for Elementary” Online Course

Not sure what to teach your elementary students for music class? I have done all the research for you in this great new online course from Learn.MusicinOurHomeschool! It’s called American Music for Elementary, and both you and your kids will LOVE it! What do the following have in common? The March King Father of American…