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Review: Girls of American History “Life in the USA in the 1960s: Melody”

Today I am reviewing a multi-sensory curriculum that correlates to the popular American Girl book series called Girls of American History. Specifically, we are looking at Unit 14 “Life in the USA in the 1960s: A Literature Guide and Unit Study for Melody, An American Girl, Time Period 1964.”

Girls of American History "Life in the USA in the 1960s: Melody" literature guide and unit study

By the way, we did another of these units a few years ago about the American Girl Josefina 1824. You can see the fun we had with Josefina American Girl Unit Study/ Multisensory Curriculum here.

What is in it

As you work through reading the American Girl Melody books and doing the projects in this unit study, you’ll touch on Social Studies/History, Arts and Crafts, Field Trips, Activities (like playing games, cooking, or gardening), Biographies, Geography, Character Studies, Language Arts (spelling, vocabulary, creative writing, essay writing), Science, Physical Education, Lapbook, and Music.

The curriculum guide starts with an overview of content and suggestions. There is no way you could possibly do everything, so you’ll have to pick and choose.

Next, is a resource list that includes the required books (2 American Girl books that are most likely in your library) and suggested/extra resources (lapbook templates and books that are mentioned in the Melody books), as well as drawing and craft resource books and games to acquire to play.

Lots of field trip ideas are listed, so you can choose what will fit into your schedule or what’s available in your area.

Then, there is a handy 6-week long plan and schedule which gives suggestions on what to do each day. A Spelling and Vocabulary Glossary containing 4 pages of words is also included.

The very last section contains 9 various notebooking pages (including a map) and ideas for making a portfolio and a diorama.

Music Education in this study

Since I am posting this review at Music in Our Homeschool, you have probably guessed that I am going to be focusing on the music you will learn through this study!

Some of the topics you’ll study for music in Girls of American History “Life in the USA in the 1960s: Melody” are:

  • Motown
  • Smokey Robinson
  • Piano, voice, saxophone, choir
  • Marvelettes, Miracles, and The Supremes
  • Stevie Wonder
  • Diana Ross
  • Marvin Gaye
  • Harmonica

A couple of the suggested field trips are to visit a recording studio and the Motown Museum Hitsville U.S.A. A musical way to really experience what American Girl Melody did includes joining a choir, or at least going to listen to one.

You can get immersed in the music of the 1960s as you work through this amazing unit study. I’m hoping we’ll have time to add Girls of American History “Life in the USA in the 1960s: Melody” to our schedule soon!

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(Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of Girls of American History “Melody” in order to write this honest review. This post contains affiliate links.)

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